
Jane Gerhard - Author
Jane Gerhard

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Jane's Books

Past Events

“From Controversy to Canonization: The Dinner Party’s Journey to Brooklyn,” delivered at Why Not Judy Chicago? Azkuna Center, Bilbao, Spain, October 8, 2015.


“Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party and the Culture of 70s Feminism,” University of Scranton, October 23, 2014.


“The Long Road to Brooklyn: The Dinner Party in the Recent Past,” Judy Chicago Symposium, Penn State University, April 6, 2014.


Judy Chicago and Jane Gerhard in Conversation about Art Education and Popular Feminism, Radcliffe Institute for Advance Study, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 4, 2014.


Judy Chicago and Jane Gerhard in Conversation about Art Education and Popular Feminism, The National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC, March 2, 2014.


“From Controversy to Canonization: The Dinner Party in Feminist History,” Carleton College, October 25, 2013.


“Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party and the Feminist Art Movement,” New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, June 8, 2013.


Dialog with Judy Chicago, Brooklyn Museum, July 11, 2013.


“Judy Chicago and the Feminist Art Movement,” Sarah Lawrence College, May 2013.


Womanhouse and the Feminist Art Movement,” Panel on Art and Activism in the Feminist Anti-Pornography Movement, Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, June 9-12, 2011.


“The Politics of Writing the History of Second Wave Feminism, ” Sarah Lawrence College, January 29, 2009.


“’And Low they Saw a Vision,’: Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party as Popular Feminism,”  Sequels to the Sixties, Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Studies, Harvard University, June 20-27, 2008.


“Towards a Prehistory of Post Feminism,”  Roundtable on the 1970s, The Berkshire Conference of Women’s Historians, University of Minnesota, June 2008.


“After the Scandal: Mapping the post-History of the 1982 Barnard Conference on Sexuality” National Women Studies Association, June 15-18, 2006 Oakland, CA


“Constructing Post Feminist Heterosexuality” in the panel, “Performing the   Erotic Body.” Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Scripps College, June 2-5, 2005.


“Feminism, Postfeminism, and Mass Cultural Queerness: Towards a History of Heterosexuality,” Oberman Center for Advanced Studies, University of Iowa, December 1, 2004.


Comment on “Sexual Science and Female Sexuality in Post-War Europe,” Women’s Sexuality Conference, University of Indiana, November 13-15, 2003.


“Carrie Bradshaw’s Television World of Love and Ritual,” Mid-Atlantic American/Popular Culture Association Conference, Wilmington, Delaware, November 6-9, 2003.


“Monologues of a Different Sort: Towards a Cultural History of the Clitoris,” Normalizing the Body, University of Maryland, May 8-10, 2003.


“Straightening Out History: Queer Analysis, the Heterosexuality Problem, and the Logic of Normality in Twentieth-Century Social and Political Life,” Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, November 14-17, 2002.


“Sexology’s Postwar Challenge: Kinsey, Masters and Johnson and the Modernizing of Female Sexuality.” Cheiron XXXI: International Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Ottawa, Canada,  June 1999.


“The Sexual Revolution and Feminism.” Organization of American Historians Conference, San Francisco, April 1997.


“Politicizing Pleasures: Feminism and the Sexual Revolution,” Console-ing Passions: Television, Video, and Feminism, 5th Annual Conference, Madison, WI, April 1996.


“From Sexual Behavior of the Male to Human Sexual Response: The Usefulness of ‘Human Sexuality’ in Mid-Century America.”  The History of the Family Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 1994.

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